What To Do After a Fire in Your Home

Fire Damage – Fires destroy or damage everything in their path, regardless of what it is and how much it cost to purchase. Your skilled Paul Davis team can completely inspect the extent of your fire damage, provide repairs for structural damage, and clean your personal belongings. We'll also extract standing water and treat your house for mold to help your home with problems caused by the water used to extinguish the fire. It doesn't matter how the fire damage appears; our mission is to get your property back to normal. Smoke Damage – While the aftermath associated with fire damage might be more well known, it isn't the only type of damage related to a fire. Smoke damage can appear just about anywhere-even in places that didn't burn. We will determine where smoke damage is present, eliminate odors, and purify the air. Have you dealt with smoke damage recently? Then there is no time like the present to talk to Paul Davis!Paul Davis Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration Specialists Your local Paul Davis location has the fire and smoke restoration equipment needed to provide all the help you need following fire damage. You will always get prompt service and personalized attention, no matter what the situation is. Learn more about smoke restoration contractor joplin MO by calling us today!