What to Do If You Experience a House Fire

Fire Damage – From the structure of a home to all items found it, fires will destroy basically anything that they can find. Your local Paul Davis team can completely assess the full extent of your fire damage, provide repairs for structural damage, and clean up or replace your personal belongings. That's not all. We also remove water used by firefighters and offer mold removal. We want to get a home back to normal quickly, no matter what the fire damage is. Smoke Damage – The fire's flames are not the only thing that will cause damage to a home. Smoke damage can also reach various areas of your house, many of which are almost challenging to pinpoint without the proper restoration tools. We'll determine the full scope of your damage, remove odors, and sanitize the air. If smoke damage happens in your home, call the team at Paul Davis.Why Paul Davis Restoration? Our team has all the necessary supplies to help get your home back together after fire or smoke damage. You will always get fast response and personalized attention, no matter what the situation is. To find out more about Fire Damage Contractors Grand Prairie TX, please contact us now!Fire Damage Contractors Grand Prairie TX